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Visitors 402
Modified 16-Jun-07
Created 15-Jun-07
183 photos

Found a cheap airfare to LAX, so went on a quick weekend trip. Used Priceline to get a cheap room at the Westin in Costa Mesa, so I concentrated my travel to the Orange County area, which I have not visited before, other than Disneyland in 1983.

Took all 3 of my zoom lenses there:  10-22, 17-55 and 70-300.

First stop, Ruby's Diner at IAH Terminal E.

Breakfast burrito. Not too bad, reasonably priced.

757-300 N57863, 2nd hand from ATA.

Is that close enough?

Originally scheduduled on N56859, but it had a mechanical.

Extra legroom in Exit Row 22.

Lake Havasu on the Colorado River between AZ and CA.

The "high desert" in SE California.

Big Bear Lake (elev: 6,743ft) in the San Bernardino Mountains, 90 miles from LAX.

San Bernadino Valley in the "Inland Empire"

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America