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Visitors 455
Modified 14-Apr-07
Created 14-Apr-07
29 photos

Fodorite DebitNM (Debbie) and husband Gene were in town from Colorado, and we had a small GTG. Other visitors were:

- BeachGirl247 (Sheila) who flew down from OKC
- P_M (Pamela) from Austin
- AnnMarie_C from San Antonio

And the locals were:

- moldyhotelsaregross (Stacey)
- dfr4848 (Don)
- rkkwan (myself)

We hanged out at the Rotary House for a while, and then had Thai food at Nit Noi in the Village.

Let's meet everybody: AnnMarie_C, "Gene" and DebitNM

P_M & moldyhotelsaregross

dfr4848 & BeachGirl247

We were at the Rotary House.

Moving upstairs.

Red wine in foam cups.

Cheese to go with the wine, and chocolate-dipped strawberries.

What a lovely couple.

I have no idea!

Oh, I was there!

Okay, let's finish the wine.


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