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Visitors 100
Modified 26-Jan-09
Created 26-Jan-09
15 photos

1/22/09 B6/270 A320 BUR-LAS
1/24/09 B6/711 A320 LAS-BUR

Arriving at BUR is like going back in time.

My jetBlue A320 arriving from JFK.

A ramp is used for front door, stairs for the rear.

jetBlue's planes are named. This is N648JB "What I Like About Blue"

The #222 bus stop was only 100 yards from the plane, just beyond those palm trees.

Very generous 34" pitch. There are 6 rows with 38" that cost $10 more for BUR-LAS.

Flight was less than 1/2 full.

jetBlue has 36 channels of free Live TV.

Google map on Ch 13. Graphics pretty primitive, but get the job done.

Cloudy the whole way. Only break in the clouds near the CA/NV border.

jetBlue A320 at gate D16, waiting to take me back to BUR.

N634JB "B*L*U*E" back in BUR.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:Commercial