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Modified 14-May-18
Created 16-Jan-18
105 photos, 1 videos

2015-9-9 Day 2. Watched the hummingbirds feed before breakfast. Then tracked down the woolly monkeys on the main road.

Descended to a pineapple plantation near Patria where we had lunch, and then saw cormorants on a tributary of the Queros River our way to the Guadalupe Lodge (~600m/2,000ft) near Pillcopata.

After dinner, went to a cave to see some huge spiders and tiny tree frogs.

Early morning at the Tambo Paitit (1500m/4,900ft)

Breakfast being prepared by Louisa.

Lots of hummingbirds.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:South America
Subcategory Detail:Peru