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Visitors 9
Modified 28-Oct-15
Created 14-Oct-15
88 photos, 1 videos

First stop in South America. We stayed overnight at the ancient Gran Hotel Bolivar in the Historic Center of Lima. Slept most of the day, and then ventured out to Plaza de Armas and San Francisco Monastery in the evening.

Outside the one and only terminal. Heading to our arranged pickup.

Heading into town on pre-arranged taxi.

Plaza Dos de Mayo.

Greek goddess Nike by Frenchman Louis-Léon Cugnot (1873).

One side of it burnt down (taken next morning).

Continue on Ave Avenue Nicolás of Piérola.

On left is Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.

Arrived at Plaza San Martin, where our hotel is located.

Rotunda of Gran Hotel Bolivar, built 1924.

A Ford Model T from 1920.

The one elevator that is updated and works.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:South America
Subcategory Detail:Peru