Fairly long drive to Hallstatt and settled in our top floor apartment of Haus Marie in nearby Obertraun. Hallstatt was quiet and lovely without any of the daytrippers from Salzburg. Dinner at the popular Zauner and tried the local Reinanke right from the lake.
Including pictures taken earlier next morning at Haus Marie.
Off the A1 and heading south on 144 after some serious traffic outside Linz.
Traunsee, near Gmunden. Finally seeing the Salzkammergut lakes.
Traunstein, 1,691m/5,548ft.
On 145, just north of Hallstätter See.
Nice family-run Haus Marie in Obertraun. 5 minutes east of Hallstatt.
Owner from Netherlands. Marie is name of their dog.
We had the whole top floor for ourselves.
View from our balcony.
A regional train passes through here from Stainach north to Linz.