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Visitors 8
Modified 9-Jul-17
Created 10-Nov-15
73 photos, 2 videos

We arrived Cusco (3,400m/11,150ft) around noon time after a 52min flight from Lima. Checked-in to Hotel Encantada and had lunch at Dino's. Then we went around Plaza Armada to buy missing things we would need for our Amazon trip.

Just so happened they were celebrating Virgen de la Natividad that afternoon and the next day.

Dinner was at our hotel.

Enroute from CUS to our hotel

Monumento Inca Pachacutec (1438-72), king who built Machu Picchu

Typical streets of Cusco

Staircase of Casa Boutique Spa Encantada

Our nice room at Casa Boutique Spa Encantada

Great view from our room, but also means a hike up from city center

Looking towards the SE

Looking down towards Plaza de Armas, the old center.

Looking to the NW

San Cristobal, first built in 1543, one of many churches

Pizzeria-Cafe Dinos, where we would eat many times during our 3 stays at Cusco

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:South America
Subcategory Detail:Peru