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Uploaded 5-Jun-08
Taken 25-May-08
Visitors 31

1 of 64 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions3892 x 2586
Original file size6.45 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken25-May-08 09:59
Date modified25-May-08 09:59
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeCanon
Camera modelCanon EOS 40D
Focal length28 mm
Exposure1/500 at f/4.5
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias+1 EV
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 800
Metering modeCenter-weighted average
First stop is Hilton Head Island, SC.

First stop is Hilton Head Island, SC.

While most of the island are resorts, there are some private homes too. This street is called Dune Lane.