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Visitors 39
Modified 27-Apr-07
Created 24-Apr-07
35 photos

I've sold my blue WRX after tracking for 3 years, so I took my parents' automatic Subaru Legacy GT to the TracQuest event at Barber, Thanksgiving 2004. What a beautiful facility. Very technical, lots of interesting turns, and as you can see, lots of elevation change. Highly enjoyable!

Car was mostly stock, except my old 18" OZ wheels and Kumho 225/40 MX tires. They were pretty good in the rain.

One year later, same event. This time I had just bought the STi. Using stock wheels and tires. Only upgrades are the brake pads! The STi is significantly faster than the LGT.

These are professional photos, but I paid for all the digital files.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Motor Sports
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Barber Motorsport Park, Legacy, STi, Subaru