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Visitors 527
Modified 9-Feb-08
Created 9-Feb-08
41 photos

We had a large Fodors Austin/San Antonio GTG at the Grist Mill Restaurant in Gruene, TX.

Long list of participants from Austin, San Antonio, Houston and even OKC:

Seamus (Jim)
swisshiker (Shirley)
Beachgirl247 (Sheila) & 1608/Mr. Beachgirl (Ted)
P_M (Pamela)
moldyhotelsaregross (Stacey)
OO (Carol) and Mr. OO (Don)
travelintoes (Judy) and Mr. travelintoes (Jerry)
sundowner (Cindy)
wanderfrau (Mary) and wanderherr (Mark)
rkkwan (Ray)

Here are the participants.

Back to the beginning. Waiting for everybody to show up at the Grist Mill.

P_M has the sign!

AnnMarie going for Pam's kidneys.

"Thank you, Katie" - that's Katie_H,'s editor.

Toast for Katie.

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